For 3+ generations, women from the "Message" have been denied many basic life skills that most people take for granted: how to find a sustainable job, how to afford childcare, how to balance a budget, etc. While gaining freedom from spiritual bondage is enlightening, we acknowledge that many women struggle with where to seek help for the practical everyday life challenges. And for those women stuck in abusive relationships, taking a stand against the "Message" can be life-threatening. Women can feel trapped in abusive situations if they feel that they cannot financially support themselves if they leave. This page lists a variety of helpful links to aid women to find their own independence. Please contact us if you have any helpful resources we can add to this page.
*For international assistance (beyond USA), the Salvation Army is a great resource.
Some city police stations offer a specialized domestic abuse department to aid in assistance with emergency shelters, restraining orders, and court advocates.
Local YWCA organizations offer a variety of housing programs, emergency shelters, free legal assistance, job training, etc.
Available internationally, a wealth of resources for local assistance, classes, support groups, advocates, etc.
Many cities provide pregnancy centers with free programs (such as money management classes) and access to free clothing, diapers, formula, etc. Google search your local area for a center by you.
GED: Check your local library or local Goodwill for free classes.
Most large churches have educated counselors on staff available to you for free. They can provide clarity with emotional support and dealing with PTSD from spiritual and/or physical abuse.
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